Horse Properties International

Horse Properties International - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Who visits my site?
Buyers from all over the world. Buyers looking for anything for property for one horse or professionals interested in equine training facilities.
What kind of exposure can I expect?
Thousands of buyers visit out site, a monthly newsletter with featured properties, a personal page advertising your listings, and much more.
Can I upload photos and videos?
Of course we encourage you to do so. From photos to virtual tours, we are interested in seeing that your listings receive the maximum amount of exposure.
What other benefits?
For this low cost service you not only get maximum exposure you also can change your listings to update, add new photos, videos, etc. You can do this 24/7.
What do you do to help me upload etc.?
All we need is an e-mail from you telling us of your interest and what assistance you require.
What does all this cost me?
A low cost of only $11.99 per month for a Premium Listing. We also offer a Basic listing for only $7.99 per month.\r\nWe also have a "Featured Status" option with home page exposure for just $19.99.\r\nIn addition to web site exposure, we offer eBlasts. We have 2 options~ Share an eBlast with 5-7 other properties for just $99.00 or feature your own eBlast with one or more of your listings for just $299.00.\r\nCreate an account and see for yourself how easy it is!
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